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西华师范大学两栖动物生态适应研究中心依托西南野生动植物资源保护教育部重点实验室,拥有生物学、生态学一级学科硕士点、野生动植物保护利用二级学科硕士点。经过5年的发展,已成为一个科学实力雄厚的科研基地和教学中心。研究中心在西华师范大学生态学科五年的建设中,发挥了重要重要作用。研究中心现有人数6人,教授2人,副教授1人,讲师3人。目前主持国家自然科学基金项目9项,面上项目6项,青年项目3项。研究成果发表在《Science Advances》《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》《Science China Life Sciences》《Molecular Ecology Resources》《Molecular EcologyDiversity and DistributionsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences》《American Naturalist》《Evolution》《Oecologia》《Scientific Reports》《Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution》《Frontiers in Zoology》《Journal of Evolutionary Biology》《Evolutionary Biology》《Evolutionary Ecology》《Integrative Zoology》《Journal of Zoology》《Ecology and Evolution》《Animals》《Asian Herpetological Research》等期刊上。



1. 两栖动物生活史特征地理变异及人工繁育技术开发

2. 两栖动物的婚配制度、交配模式与精子竞争

3. 两栖动物脑与能量器官的协同进化

4. 两栖动物种群遗传结构及其保护

1 两栖动物生活史特征地理变异

三、 师资队伍




1. Liao WB*, Jiang Y, Li DY, Jin L, Zhong MJ, Qi Y, Lüpold S & Kotrschal A. Cognition contra camouflage: How the brain mediates predator-driven crypsis evolution. Science Advances, 2022, 8(33), eabq1878.

2. Jiang Y, Luan XF & Liao WB*. Anuran brain size predicts food availability–driven population density. China Science Life Sciences, 2022, DOI:10.1007/s11427-022-2177-2.

3. Jin L, Liao WB* & Merilä J. Genomic evidence for adaptive differentiation among Microhyla fissipes populations: Implications for conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 2021, DOI:10.1111/ddi.13433.

4. Lu B#, Jiang, JP#, Wu H#, Chen, XH#, Song XW#, Liao WB# & Fu JZ*. A large genome with chromosome-scale assembly sheds light on the evolutionary success of a true toad (Bufo gargarizans). Molecular Ecology Resources, 2021, 21(4): 1256-1273.

5. Huang Y, Mai CL, Liao WB* & Kotrschal A. Body mass variation is negatively associated with brain size: Evidence for the fat-brain trade-off in anurans. Evolution, 2020, 74(7): 1551-1557.

6. Mai CL, Liao WB*, Lüpold S & Kotrschal A. Relative brain size is predicted by the intensity of intrasexual competition in frogs. American Naturalist, 2020, 196(2): 169-179.

7. Yu X, Zhong MJ, Li DY, Jin L, Liao WB* & Kotrschal A. Large-brained frogs mature later and live longer. Evolution, 2018, 72(5): 1174-1183.

8. Liao WB, Huang Y, Zeng Y, Zhong MJ, Luo Y & Lüpold S*. Ejaculate evolution in external fertilizers: Influenced by sperm competition or sperm limitation? Evolution, 2018, 72(1): 4-17.

9. Wang JY & Liao WB* Digest: Ontogenesis and evolutionary allometry shape divergent evolution of genitalia in female cetaceans. Evolution, 2018, 72(3): 404-405.

10. Wu W#, Gao Y#, Jiang DC#, Lei J, Ren JL, Liao WB, Deng C, Wang Z, Hillis DM*, Zhang YP*, Li JT*. Genomic adaptations for arboreal locomotion in Asian flying treefrogs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119(13), e2116342119.

11. Jin L, Yu JP, Yang ZJ, Merilä J & Liao WB*. Modulation of gene expression in liver of hibernating Asiatic toads (Bufo gargarizans). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(11): 2363.

12. Lüpold S, Jin L & Liao WB*. Population density drives differential investment in pre- and postmating sexual traits in frogs. Evolution, 2017, 71(8): 1686-1699.

13. Liao WB*, Lou SL, Zeng Y & Kotrschal A. Large brains, small guts: The expensive tissue hypothesis supported in anurans. American Naturalist, 2016,188(12): 693-700.

14. Guo BC, Lu D, Liao WB* & Merilä J. Genome-wide scan for adaptive differentiation along altitudinal gradient in the Andrew's toad Bufo andrewsi. Molecular Ecology, 2016, 25(14): 3884-3900.

15. Liao WB*, Liu WC & Merilä J. Andrew meets Rensch: Sexual size dimorphism and the inverse of Rensch’s rule in Andrew’s toad (Bufo andrewsi). Oecologia, 2015, 177(5): 389-399.


1 隆肛蛙(Feirana quadranus)脑大小的适应性进化(国家自然科学基金面上项目32270461;主持,黄燕

2. 中华蟾蜍的四肢肌性二型及其成因研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目32170429;主持,米志平)

3. 两栖动物脑大小生态适应及进化权衡(国家自然科学基金面上项目31970393;主持,廖文波

4. 横断山区华西蟾蜍群体遗传学和谱系地理学(国家自然科学基金面上项目31772451;主持,廖文波)

5. 横断山区华西蟾蜍配对模式及其地理变异(国家自然科学基金面上项目31471996;主持,廖文波)

6. 横断山区华西蟾蜍生活史策略地理变异机理研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目31101366;主持,廖文波)

7. 无尾两栖类不同地理种群气候适应性的遗传机制研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目32200338;主持,金龙)

8. 隆肛蛙繁殖模式的地理变异(国家自然科学基金青年项目31960123,黄燕

9. 峨眉树蛙婚配制度及其地理变异(国家自然科学基金面上项目31071934;合作主持,廖文波)

10. 两栖动物生态适应(四川省青年科技创新团队19CXTD0022;主持)

11. 斑腿树蛙婚配制度地理变异及其保护(四川省杰出青年科学基金;JQ20130016;主持,廖文波)

12. 虎纹蛙生活史地理变异及其保护策略(四川省自然科学基金重点项目22NSFSC0011,主持,廖文波)


1. 一种黑斑蛙蛙池结构 专利号:ZL202122798744.0  专利权人:廖文波、金龙、吴龙、黎大勇、陈川

2. 一种用于黑斑蛙蛙池受精卵发育的实验容器 专利号:ZL 2021 22751002.2 专利权人:廖文波、金龙、吴龙、黎大勇、陈川

3. 一种黑斑蛙蛙池选址用的土壤取样装置  专利号:ZL 2021 22751043.1 专利权人:廖文波、金龙、吴龙、黎大勇、陈川

4. 一种黑斑蛙食台  专利号:ZL 2021 23144966.7 专利权人:廖文波、金龙、吴龙、黎大勇、陈川


版权所有 © 西华师范大学生命科学院 地址:中国·四川省南充市师大路1号 电话:0817-2568318